
Highlighted Features

-Written in Python
-Saves note in cpspch (soon midi) format with amplitude between 0-1
-Instrument number in score relates to instrument number in tracker
-Automatically breaks up and labels score by pattern for fine tuning.

Details of Conversion

The score is formatted with 5 p-values:

p1 = instrument number corresponding to instrument number in xm file
p2 = start time
p3 = duration
p4 = pitch (midi number)
p5 = amplitude between 0-1 (default is 1)

All these parameters can be modified from the xm file so there is no need to look at the score. However, if one wishes to fine tune a converted xm file, the score file has the song broken up into patterns, with a comment before each one with the pattern number. Note events in the score will most likely not appear chronologically within a pattern. Sorry about that.


At the moment, xm2sco can only read properly formatted xm files.

Valid notes/commands are:
pitch + instrument number
pitch + instrument number + amplitude

Invalid notes/commands include:

Any track Effects
noteoff + anything else
amplitude by itself
pitch (no instrument number)
pitch + amplitude (no instrument number)

If any of these appear in the xm file, the conversion won't properly work. Sorry about that.

Future Updates

-Glissando and legato support
-Save instrument events to separate score files
-Automatically Render instruments to separate audio stems (can be brought into a DAW for mixing)